Thursday, November 8, 2007

Gung Ganapataye Namo Namah

november 7 was a glorious day. it began early, going out to rita's farm to help her pick vegetables...beautiful mustard greens, red and green leaf lettuces, snacking on wild spinach...brisk air, warm sun and cool bugs...
spending time that way-hands in the dirt, breathing fresh air and picking food from the earth- makes it difficult to think about days at a computer, inside and sterile. it would be amazing if more people returned to agriculture and community, if we could all grow our own food-being more sustainable and connected, while putting an end to coorporate agriculture.

that evening, paul, marissa and i were graced by the glowing presence of bhakti yogis, David Newman "Durga Das" and Mira. They played a live music yoga class at satsang and led a kirtan afterwards. Their divine serenity was powerfully infectious. Nada yoga (the yoga of sound) is very potent, resulting in opening of the heart and mind-allowing one to love and be loved.
Some things were said that evening which were very interesing...our identity begins to be developed as soon as we are born. with our sex/gender we begin to separate ourselves from others. as we grow older, that separation grows stronger as we indentify with concepts of race, culture, language, aesthetics, social roles and the like. we tend to glorify individuality and illuminate differences between us, but what about trancending the dualistic, linear thinking that leads to discrimination and intolerance? David said, when two people come together, that is the beginning of breaking down that separation-while still honoring the separation that exists. I think that is a beautiful statement. I think that duality exists, but that it is superficial and able to be transcended. Just like the way I believe things are cyclical, but we perceive things in a linear way so that we can "comprehend" or make sense of things, so that they are more palatable amd allow us to think we are in control. I think that when the mind is illuminated and is able to move beyond linear thinking, beyond dualistic thinking, it realizes how interconnected everything is, and the ego is no longer the most important thing. The divisions that seem real exist on an elementary level. With training of the mind, and opening of the heart, we can move beyond these superficial divisions-resulting in more accountability for what we think, say and do. you can't throw anything "away." if everything comes full circle, where is away?

Paul and I are leaving charleston very soon...(next week)...that reality is just beginning to sink in and these last few days have been/are/will be precious. I think what I am going to miss about charleston the most is satsang. I would say people, but as paul said, the people aren't charleston. those i love and care about will not be in charleston forever-so i am grateful for this place where i have forged these beautiful bonds, but accept that it is time to go, and that while this is the end of my time is this space, it is only the beginning of many incredible friendships. Andrea (one of our yoga teachers) left town for 10 days, so we had to say goodbye to her after the kirtan, as we will not see her again before we leave. I tried to maintain composure while thanking her, but I couldn't. Nor could I truly express how grateful I am for her satsang. So we all hugged and the tears came and she told us she loves us and said, "give lots of love, don't forget the yoga practice; that is why your are going."
and she is right.

Jai Ganesha Jai Ganesha Jai Ganesha Pahiman

Shri Ganesha Shri Ganesha Shri Ganesha Rakshaman

Gung Gananpataye Namo Namah.

[Salutations to Ganesha the remover of suffering and the bestower of grace.

My we seek your protection and refuge.]

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